Sunday, October 11, 2009


When creating visual art you need to consider the rules of composition so that your work will have maximum impact and clarity. There are some basic things you need to know first before you begin the process of creating your composition. Thinking about these things beforehand will make your efforts more streamlined and efficient because you will move forward with a clear understanding of what you need to do and not waste time on ideas that will not fulfill your objective, or meet the expectations of the client.
Before you start the process make sure you know at least these four things:
  1. What is your message?
  2. Who is your message intended for? ie.Who's your audience?
  3. By what means will you display your message. What is your mode of delivery: (poster, television, webpage, buisness card, banner ad, portable device)
  4. The basics of the design principles: Emphasis, Contrast, Balance, Alignment, Repetition, Flow.
Make sure to always keep it simple.

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